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Let’s find your perfect shade.
Morning Routine in 5 Words:
phone free, hike, coffee, fasting
The best product you use in the morning:
On my skin - Barbara Sturm exclusively - I use the Enzyme cleanser, Better B serum, face cream, and sun drops. Supplement - serrapeptase on an empty stomach.
Who you spend your days with:
My 15 year old son + with my team at the design studio.
Favorite Work Outfit:
I am usually in overalls.
Go-To Coffee or Tea Order:
black coffee (mold free) or chamomile tea
The tv show or movie you always recommend:
My two favorite shows are Catastrophe and Normal People. I’ve also started a countdown to the new White Lotus season.
The takeout dish you can't live without:
I am a smoothie lover.
Bedtime Routine in 5 Words:
Bravo, followed by an epsom salt bath.
Who you spend your evenings with:
I try to do two evenings of self care per week - typically energy work + a massage. I’ll have dinner with friends on the other nights.
The best product you use at night:
Ion skin spray on my skin and scalp - I'm obsessed.
The dish you make when you have friends over:
I am a baker, so most likely an array of salads and desserts.
Favorite Vacation Destination:
Greece + Costa Rica
Favorite “Fancy” Look:
I am not typically "fancy", but I do invest in Celine accessories.
Favorite Show / Concert / Performer you’ve seen:
The Eras Tour in Lisbon
Favorite way to celebrate yourself:
Always self care - usually facials or reflexology.
The best gift you’ve ever received:
A trip - I am always up for adventure.
Your High School Persona:
I was a cheerleader, a dancer, and in student government.
Best Costume You’ve Worn:
Snow White
Your most particular particular (the little thing you’re pickiest about!):
I am picky about communication style, and always prefer an old school phone call over email or texting!
Socials: @jute_interior_design
Current Location: San Francisco, CA
Favorite Spot to Consume Content: Lately, in the car outside my son's tennis matches.
Where You Work: Jute Interior Design
The concept of nontoxic design has been central to your business and brand ethos for the past
15 years. Could you explain what this means and how we can all keep it in mind as we focus on
our own spaces?
The easiest tip is to be really mindful while purchasing things for your home. Ask yourself if you really need it and if the answer is yes, stick with materials that came from the earth. In my new book, Live Natural we provide actionable, approachable tips on easy swaps to make at home, as well as materials you can source for building and renovating your home.
How do you think the landscape of interior design (and interior designers) has changed in
recent years?
Social media has definitely made it more accessible to become an interior designer. But I think there are people out there doing great work who just don't love to be on their phones, and whose work you don't see as much of, because of it. Typically really creative people want flow and space and that feels like the opposite of today's culture.
Who are a few entrepreneurs in other industries who inspire you or whose careers you like to
I love GOOP, Zach Bush, and Lacy Phillips of To Be Magnetic.
Where do you look for design inspiration?
Travel, always.