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Andrea Linett

Andrea Linett, Creative Director/ Brand Consultant/ Author 

Andrea is so cool, she wrote a book on it. Several books actually. We sat down with the vintage-loving and classically cool fashion veteran to find out where to score the best vintage finds and which accessories she can’t live without. 

Andrea Linett - The Particulars

MELISSA: You are a mom, author, writer, editor, and a business owner. What does a regular day in your life look like?  
I work at home and my husband and I switch off who gets up with the baby. So on my days that I do that I first make a pot of coffee (priorities!) and then we hang in his room playing and reading books before breakfast. Then I work out for about 15-20 minutes while my son plays beside me. I hit the computer as soon as our nanny arrives and work and run around to appointments. I always try to be home to give my son dinner and we play and do the morning thing in the evening and in summer we’re always outside. Then bath time and bed. Then my husband and I drink wine and watch shows – right now it’s Fargo. If we’re lucky we’ll get a date night once a week. 
 Describe your personal aesthetic.  
 I vacillate between simple and clean to wildly bohemian. I appreciate good design and love anything classic – from cars to clothing. But I always have to mix in a piece to throw everything a little off and make it mine.
 You’re a big lover of vintage. What are some of your favorite places to score the best of vintage 
 I am an Etsy addict. But as for brick and mortar, I love Edith Machinist on the Lower East Side of New York. She has a great eye and lots of design teams flock to her for inspiration. Dana Foley also has amazing taste. My other favorites are 9th Street Vintage and Duo.   
 Do you have a favorite vintage piece?  
 I have so many but my old and tattered Lee denim shirt has been patched so many times that my tailor calls it the $2000 shirt. Ha.
 Your IWTBH shop is a collection of vintage pieces. Where do you source your items? Does your shop follow a particular style?  
 I source from everywhere –online, flea markets, etc. and some of the pieces I’ve had for years. It’s just stuff that I’m drawn to which is anything that’s from the ‘70s, bohemian or classic. Many of them have a rock ‘n roll edge too. I’m a big collector (sounds so much chicer than ‘hoarder’).

I always try to be home to give my son dinner and we play and do the morning thing in the evening and in summer we’re always outside.

MELISSA: You were the first creative director at eBay Fashion. What is your favorite piece you’ve purchased off eBay?  
 My Hermes sterling silver Medor watch. It was only $495 and they stopped making silver (just stainless) so I was thrilled.  
 Which accessory do you never leave the house without?  
 Some kind of gold necklace. I have a couple in the rotation that I never take off. 
 Current shoe you can’t stop wearing?  
 No.6 clogs and boots. I’ve been wearing them for years. They go with everything and are easy for walking around town. I recently bought some Red Wing work boots and I love the way they dress anything down.
 You wrote a book called ‘The Cool Factor’. Tell us, what does having ‘The Cool Factor’ mean to you? 
 Ease, self-confidence, and just knowing who you are and being happy with it. 

Andrea Linett - The Particulars

Andrea Linett - The Particulars

Andrea Linett - The Particulars