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Let’s find your perfect shade.

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Let’s find your perfect shade.
Lauren Kleban is an LA- based fitness entrepreneur whose classes of dance-based cardio exercises, trampoline cardio and muscle sculpting training have attracted the likes of women from Hollywood and beyond. We sat down with her recently to find out how she got her start and bounced her way to the top with her killer workout classes.
MELISSA: So tell me, when did you decide to make LEKfit a thing and how did you get into it?
LAUREN: I got into it because I had been a dancer professionally for what feels like my whole life and I have always taught some dance inspired fitness or dance class and personal training at different studios and different gyms all over LA along with going for runs every day at Runyon Canon. When I had my first son I realized I couldn’t keep doing that, but I started playing with what I could do in less time to keep the body I have from years of doing ballet and cardio. So, it all started here when I bought this house and we turned the garage and guesthouse into a studio space! And I really just started training friends and neighborhood women and clients who I had trained at other places and organically it literally just grew! We threw it up online here we are a couple years later about to finish our official flagship that’s being completely designed around filming!
MELISSA: So you’ll film the classes while you’re doing them?
LAUREN: We film two classes a week right now with some added stuff, my instructors will come in throughout the week and film their own segments and then that also goes online and there’s just a ton of stuff happening! I really truly believe that’s where fitness is going, in fact, if I weren’t in the fitness space I would be working out in my living room at home. Even in LA, just the thought of driving and parking, it’s a lot!
MELISSA: How did you come up with the name?
LAUREN: It’s my initials, so that was easy!
MELISSA: How do you balance being a mom and running your own business and how often do you create new workouts? Could you run us through your typical day (if you have one)?!
LAUREN: Now that the kids are in school full time, I do the morning routine. Our nanny doesn’t come in until later and my husband does drop off. This will obviously change when the studio is not in our backyard! It’s a balancing act between kids, emails, building playlists, shooting new content, social media, and workouts but I get it done!
MELISSA: How many different types of classes are there?
LAUREN: We have two main classes. We have a sculpt class which is perfectly matched with our cardio interval. I don’t have any classes that are straight cardio. We always use weights throughout the class and that varies from day to day. We have women coming in every day, so we make sure to change up the sequence and music to keep it fresh.
MELISSA: How do you take care of yourself? Is there anything that you do for yourself?
LAUREN: I see my dermatologist, I love getting facials, my hair and nails done. Part of that is that I’ve created a look that’s on-brand for me and I like to maintain that and then I just think having that time to leave the house is really important. When I had my son and my daughter, I used to get such anxiety about leaving and I used to have everyone come here to do that stuff but then not only was that not relaxing, but everyone was anxious and on edge. They need me to go off and do that stuff and then come back. I am a better mom that way!
MELISSA: What’s your favorite music to work out to? What’s on your playlist?
LAUREN: We are very R&B and hip-hop alternative. The instructors make their own playlists, but I must approve them! I have a hard no to Taylor Swift, I have a hard no for ant country music in general. Nothing annoying and nothing horrific for women. We try to not censor but not play anything that is going to potentially trigger someone.
MELISSA: Any brands you love to workout in?
LAUREN: I go through phases. For a long time, I was queen of the one piece. Then I got over that and I got back to my dance roots, so I’ve been wearing leg warmers and booty shorts. I don’t like anything other than black, I’ll throw in a little red or white sometimes, zero prints.
MELISSA: Any challenges that you wish someone would have told you before starting your own business?
LAUREN: Hiring people. That is the hardest part. We currently have 5 instructors, my goal when we move is to have 18+. We really pride ourselves on preventing injuries, and if you come to me with a lower back or knee issue, I can have someone on you helping you while we go through the workout. That is my goal as we move, expand and get bigger!
MELISSA: How many people fit in one class and how many classes will be at the new location?
LAUREN: At the new space we want to keep it to 25, I think that is the perfect size! I want to do the standard morning classes, lunchtime, evening classes.
MELISSA: If we were to raid your closet what would we find the most of?
LAUREN: Black everything. Black booties, black denim, re-done denim, black camisoles.
MELISSA: Can you give us any health tips and tricks?
LAUREN: I personally don’t drink alcohol and thankfully I gave up smoking years ago that my skin recovered which helps a lot! Most of the time I am a pescatarian, meaning I normally only eat fish. However, if my husband is making something that smells good and tastes good, I will eat it! I am also doing bone broth, normally 8 ounces. I am a huge fan of avocado toast, love peanut butter, live for nut butter. I try to look for ingredients that know and recognize, if there is something I don’t recognize I tend to stay away.
PARTICULARLY SOCIAL: Handles and preferred Instagram filte
PARTICULAR ORDER: How do you go about your day?
PARTICULAR STYLE: What’s your uniform?
PARTICULAR ADORNMENT: Your go-to accessory
PARTICULAR MEAL: Favorite thing to eat
PARTICULAR LATITUDE/LONGITUDE: Where do you like to go/be?
PARTICULAR VICE: What is your weakness?
PARTICULARLY 70S, 80S, 90S, OR 00S: What decade defines you?
PARTICULAR HIGH SCHOOL/COLLEGE PERSONA: Were you a burner, credit card hippie, prep?
PARTICULAR PICKINESS: What are you finicky about?
PARTICULAR PASSION: What are you passionate about?